The new innovative Combi-Line system is a revolutionary new ceiling concept that allows architects to combine three different panel types into one design. Wood, HeartFelt® fabric and metal ceiling panels can now all be incorporated into one ceiling using a variety of modulations.
General Information
What is Combi-Line
Combi-Line features a unique carrier rail system that is fitted with a variety of clips that are designed to support a combination of linear metal, wood and HeartFelt® fabric panels. This enables three different ceiling panel styles to be fitted onto a single carrier in any order and in any modulation.
- Combi-Line allows you to mix and match with a range of Hunter Douglas metal, wood and HeartFelt® panels.
- Easy access to the plenum for maintenance, the panels can be dismounted individually.
- Designers have the ability to create a unique pattern with more than one ceiling panel type.
- Combi-Line is available with HeartFelt 30HL60, metal 30 BD/BXD and veneered wood 30WL60 linear panels.
Combi-Line is suitable for all building sectors: Corporate, Transport (airports, metro, bus, train stations), Retail, Leisure, Public spaces, Hospitality, Healthcare, Education or Residential. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Design & Inspiration
Combi-Line was initially created as a bespoke carrier system for a major installation back in 2015. The research and development team at Hunter Douglas Architectural worked with the projects designers to produce a carrier that featured clips. This allowed them to install the ceiling panels in a desired random pattern with wide open spaces to reveal the plenum. Once completed the team at Hunter Douglas realised the carrier system had potential and decided to develop it further. The result is our new Combi-Line carrier system.
Colours & Finishes
The modular nature of the Combi-Line system enables the designer to create a combination of four colours with four completely different ceiling styles, each with its own unique colour and finish. There is a wide selection of materials and products available to enable the architects to be truly creative with the room space he or she is creating. Each style group consists of a selection of materials that helps create a mood board and a matching space where the product can be applied.
W?a?ciwo?ci materia?ów
Elementem nowego systemu no?nego Combi-Line jest szyna z klipsami, które nadaj? si? do stosowania z panelami metalowymi, drewnianymi sufitami rusztowymi i panelami HeartFelt i umo?liwiaj? ich jednoczesne mocowanie na jednej konstrukcji no?nej. Mo?liwa jest niesko?czona liczba kombinacji obejmuj?ca dowolne wzory z listwowymi przerywnikami wraz z otwartymi przestrzeniami w siatce, po??czone z niestandardowymi modu?ami. Projektanci maj? mo?liwo?? dowolnego dobierania paneli sufitowych z ró?nych materia?ów. System Combi-Line dost?pny jest z panelami HeartFelt 30HL60, metalowymi panelami 30 BD/BXD oraz listwowymi panelami z fornirowanego drewna.
Szczegó?owe informacje
Szczegó?owe informacje mo?na znale?? w cz??ci z materia?ami do pobrania poni?ej. Tutaj znajdziesz dane takie jak maksymalna rozpi?to??, wymiary i ci??ar, wymagania materia?owe na m².
Komfort akustyczny pomieszcze? biurowych, szkolnych czy u?yteczno?ci publicznej wp?ywa na samopoczucie ich u?ytkowników. Niew?a?ciwe warunki akustyczne mog? niekorzystnie oddzia?ywa? na zdrowie, efektywno?? komunikacji, bezpiecze?stwo oraz wydajno?? pracy i nauki. Dzi?ki znakomitym parametrom eksploatacyjnym akustyczne systemy sufitowe firmy Hunter Douglas Architectural zapewniaj? doskona?? akustyk? i komfort, a jednocze?nie wysok? estetyk? wn?trz. W przypadku systemu Combi-Line daje si? osi?gn?? wspó?czynnik poch?aniania d?wi?ku (αw) o warto?ci do 0,70, w zale?no?ci od sufitu i konfiguracji paneli.
Wi?cej na temat akustyki
Szczegó?owe informacje na temat akustyki mo?na znale?? w cz??ci z materia?ami do pobrania poni?ej.