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    Acoustical + Climate ceiling

    1. janvier 2015

    Climate ceiling combines high cooling capacity with excellent
    sound absorption

    Hunter Douglas has delivered a unique lamella climate ceiling for the renovation of the Katreine Tower in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The ceiling, jointly developed with climate ceiling specialist Inteco from the Dutch city of Boxtel, combines a required cooling capacity of 98 W/m2 with a required sound absorption capacity of 0,85 aW. This was made possible by the inclusion of a cavity between the climate element and the acoustic material mounted just above it, raising the convective cooling capacity. The cavity causes a natural air current to flow across the expanded metal cooling element, as a result of which additional heat is transferred from the water-bearing climate element and the ambient air. The fact that the lighting and technical installations have been hidden in the ceiling, means the ceiling has a quite radiance – in line with the aesthetic demands of Amsterdam’s NL Architects.

    The ceiling provides an optimal interior climate. Previously, the NS headquarters had a glass façade, which caused high indoor temperatures. Subsequent air cooling caused a draft. The new climate ceiling emits either heat or cold, contributing to a comfortable way of managing the interior climate.

    The ceiling is a combination of Hunter Douglas’ Luxalon 30BD ceiling and Inteco’s MeandRo-V climate ceiling. The construction consists of an acoustic lamella ceiling and acoustic material, with the expanded metal climate system sandwiched in between. A cavity of 60 millimetres separates the acoustic material on top from the climate ceiling in the middle. This means warm or cool radiation can flow through freely. A specially developed bracket connects the two ceiling systems.

    NS’ requirement for the Katreine Tower was a comfortable, but simple interior. According to NL Architects, the Hunter Douglas climate system was the only one capable of meeting this requirement. It has a clean look and the fact that the lighting and other technical installations have been hidden in the ceiling means it has kept its quiet appearance.

    Katreinetoren: http://www.utrecht.nl/smartsite.dws?id=271996
    Inteco: http://www.inteco.nl/
    NL Architects: http://www.nlarchitects.nl/
    Luxalon 30BD: http://www2.hunterdouglascontract.com/nl-NL/ceilings/metal/linear/multipanel/index.jsp
    Maandro V: http://www.inteco.nl/4/4886/Producten_MeandRo-V.html

