Les plafonds écran Luxalon® V100 sont réalisés de façon à définir le motif du plafond. Composé de lames « flottantes » suspendues verticalement, le plafond V100 crée des motifs visuels et des lignes uniques sans nuire à la sensation d'espace de l'environnement. En fonction de l'angle de vue, le plafond a un aspect ouvert ou fermé.
Informations Générales
Pourquoi le V100 EXTÉRIEUR ?
Le plafond écran Luxalon® est idéal pour les applications où l'on souhaite une réduction visuelle de la hauteur d'une pièce et le maintien de son volume original. Le plafond écran Luxalon® diffuse parfaitement la lumière artificielle. Avec un angle minimum d'environ 45 degrés, le plafond présente un aspect fermé.
- Lames installées verticalement dans un module 100, 150 ou 200 mm
- Les clips de fixation installés sur les porteurs entre les lames offrent un blocage sûr des lames et rendent le système adapté à l'utilisation extérieure
- Système idéal pour réduire visuellement la hauteur d'une pièce tout en conservant son volume original
- Les lames sont disponibles dans une longueur allant jusqu'à 6 000 mm (en standard)
- Elles sont traitées en standard avec le système de peinture breveté Luxacote®
- La résistance aux charges au vent de tous les systèmes de plafond est testée
- Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Bronze (Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a certification mark licensed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute).
Le plafond écran V100 convient aux bâtiments nécessitant une construction ouverte et légère : entreprise, transport (aéroports, métro, gares ferroviaires et routières), commerce, loisir, espace public, accueil.
Contactez-nous pour nous faire savoir vos exigences.
Design et Inspiration
Les plafonds écran Luxalon® V100 permettent à l’architecte de concevoir un plafond ouvert en aluminium haute performance. Pour offrir un maximum de liberté dans la conception, il existe un vaste choix de modules de porteur. Les plafonds écran créent une impression d’espace idéale pour les environnements extérieurs nécessitant une construction ouverte et légère.
Colours & Finishes
The Hunter Douglas range of Metal Ceilings, are available in a range of standard colours that are suitable for most applications. For further information on ceiling types and the special finishes and colour ranges that are available for specific projects please contact our sales office.
Luxacote® Exterior Coating
Luxacote® is an exclusive Hunter Douglas innovation that enhances the durability of exterior aluminium building applications. Its strength and efficiency comes from a powerful 3-layered system that consists of an anorcoat pretreatment, a primer, and a UV- and scratch resistant topcoat
Product Details
Material characteristics
The V100 exterioropen ceiling system consists of vertical hung panels with a height of 101mm which can be easily clipped on a carrier. The panels are installed in standard modules of 100 mm, 150mm or 200mm. Other modules are available on request. A fixing clip is required to lock the panels on the carrier.
More product details
More detailed information can be found at the downloads section below. Here you can find information about: Maximum spans, dimension & weights, material requirement per m2
Health and wellbeing
Hunter Douglas contributes to sustainable buildings through aesthetic solutions that enhance comfort and save energy. Promoting health and wellbeing of their occupants is arguably the most important function of buildings. Buildings are not constructed just to be energy efficient. Our shading solutions promote the use of healthy daylight without the hindrances of glare and thermal discomfort. Our acoustic ceilings are a key element in the provision of acoustic comfort.
Sound materials
Environmentally sound materials are key to sustainable buildings. Our strategy is to pick materials that have good environmental properties to start with. Many of our products are made of aluminum produced in our own smelters. We’ve optimized our processes to use up to 99% of recycled content to produce the right alloy for our products. Our wood is FSC certified and we embrace the Cradle to Cradle principle in our product development.
Energy savings
Reducing the energy use of the total building stock is key to the prevention of global warming. Most modern office buildings use more energy for cooling than heating. Effectively managing the solar energy that passes through the transparent part of the façade is a key strategy in the prevention of overheating in both old and new buildings. Our high performance shading solutions bring substantial energy savings, while at the same time promoting health and wellbeing.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Keen on Green is an important company-wide initiative to reduce energy consumption, water usage and our overall carbon-footprint. We embrace the ISO 14001 framework to actively manage our Keen on Green objectives. Hunter Douglas and its employees actively support the communities in which we live and work, as well as those on a more global scale. Business is people. We pride ourselves on our worldwide network of experienced, intelligent, passionate and creative people that have consciously chosen Hunter Douglas as their employer.